Striping Pattern (starting from CO edge): 5 gray, 4 dark gray, 10 gray, 10 black, 20 gray, 20 dark gray, 10 gray, 10 black. Thumb: 9 gray, 9 dark gray.
Striping pattern: 5 gray, 5 other remnant color. The same pattern was used on the thumb.
Striping pattern: 5 gray, 5 other remnant color. The same pattern was used on the thumb.
So I tried to machine wash the oven mitts to save my hands some grief. I only have access to front loading washing machines, so I tied them up in a pillowcase and gave it a whirl. One cycle was not enough to felt them completely, although there has been some progress. I also had to pry apart the insides as they had lightly felted together. It was still worth it, and I can use hand felting to go through the rest.
Mitts after one round of machine felting. See how there is still a lot of definition to the stitches.
It appears that the light gray doesn't felt as well as darker colors. I wonder if it's been bleached, like white yarns. I completed the rest of the felting by hand. Hand Felting Tip: Sometimes it helps to let the item dry completely in the middle of the felting process. When you place the dried object back into hot water, it shrinks up, making the end of the felting easier.
The finished oven mitts.