The finished yarns dyed in the Sock Blank Special 2 #ChemKnitsDyeAlong Livestreams. |
What a fantastic adventure! Earlier this year, I scheduled a week of sock blank dyeing videos to explore many different techniques for applying dye to these pre-knit, and crochet, pieces of fabric. During the Sock Blank Special 2 weeks, I released 10 different dyeing videos: 5 edited prefilmed videos and 5 dyeing livestreams. What I didn't expect was that the SBS2 week would continue over another week with multiple unraveling livestreams so you could see what these yarns looked like with the blanks unraveled.
Phew! I dyed 21 blanks during the livestreams. That is a LOT of yarn, and a lot of videos. I have a playlist that organizes all of the SBS2 videos in roughly chronological order. This is a little confusing because there were some sneak peek episodes where I unraveled blanks for the edited videos. I placed these unraveling videos after the relevant edited video in the playlist. (The livestream unravelings are all at the end.) I always like to film a recap video after a livestream so you can see the finished dry yarn and hear some concluding thoughts, and there is a recap for each of the livestreams. For this special week, I also felt the need to film an overall summary so you could see not only the dried blanks but the finished unraveled yarns. Therefore, I made a summary slideshow so you could see pictures of the dyeing, finished dry blank, and unraveled yarn. The yarns are arranged according to the livestream where they were dyed, so this should help you find the specific replay in case you want to learn more about the technique.
Want to learn more about all of these yarns? Check out the Sock Blank Special 2 #ChemKnitsDyeAlong Playlist or watch below. (I know that there is a LOT of footage to go through. Some of my followers say that they watch livestream replays on 2x speed to get to the action parts of the dyeing.)
Thank you, everyone, who joined me in this journey. So many of you joined in on the fun and dyed your own homemade sock blanks. Thank you for sharing your pictures in the Facebook group for ChemKnits fans, ChemKnits Lab. I still have a few homemade sock blanks left in my stash, not to mention at least 10 stroll sock blanks from KnitPicks. (Affiliate Link)
If you want to support ChemKnits on a more personal level and contribute to fun dyeing specials like the Sock Blank Special 2, check out the ChemKnits Patreon. Patrons can receive exclusive behind the scenes sneak peek videos, early access to new dyeing videos, coupons, and more.