A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns
by Barbara G. Walker
This book has surprisingly little overlap from the first book, a Treasury of Knitting Patterns.
The sections differ slightly from the first book:
- Knit-purl combinations
- slip-stitch patterns
- slip-stitch color patterns
- mosaic patterns
- fancy color patterns
- fancy texture patterns
- twist-stitch patterns
- cables
- cable-stitch patterns
- yarn-over patterns
- eyelets
- lace
- lace panels and insertions
- borders
- edgings
As you may see from just comparing the section titles, we are going more in depth into color and lace knitting here. There is an increase in complexity in cables and other types of stitch patterns. This book is not meant to replace the first Treasury, but supplement it. Ideally you would add all four to your collection.
I would be much happier if these books included charts, and if they would be re-published as a multi-volume encyclopedia type series with like stitch patterns in the same section of the book. Maybe I should write a letter to the editor...
This popular series doesn't end at the second treasury of knitting patterns, it goes all the way up to four! Check out the other two below. (I have not seen them myself as my local library does not carry them.)