Monday, January 12, 2015

Another No Sew Necktie

With extra fabric in my stash from the no sew pillows I made for Lucky's Nursery and plenty of Dritz Unique Stitch Adhesive I decided to make a second no sew necktie.

This time instead of taping the pattern piece to the fabric, I used a sharpie to draw around it on the WS.  If I am going to continue "sewing" then I really should invest in some washable pens and maybe even a rotary cutter to help me cut the fabric.  It is just so nerve-racking and feels so final.  With knitting or crocheting I can unravel, not with sewing. A cut is final.

You can barely see the lines on the fabric, which is a good thing.

It was actually much easier to cut when I have the pattern piece taped on because the paper + tape gives it structure.  Oh well, lesson learned.  I glued the pieces as I discussed previously, and this time went much faster.

One of the  points is a little wonky, but I don't thin you'd even notice if I didn't point it out.  It will still be adorable on my Lucky little boy.  This time I used tweezers to help me turn these skinny tubes right side out.

I really can't wait until we move and I can have a sewing machine.  (We are hoping to get a larger place to live, and it doesn't make sense for me to acquire more stuff before this move happens.  This is why I have this "when we move I get a sewing machine" mindset.)

Two ties in 2 days!

The project was a lot of fun, and I think that Lucky will be able to wear it for a while.  I took these pictures of him just after Halloween.  

For not having access to a sewing machine, this fabric glue has served me well for a number of projects.  I still have some fabric in my stash, what else should I make?