The Entrelac sheep has been sitting on my shelf so long that the spiders decided to use it to anchor the web!
A jar of eyeballs, ghost and small felted pumpkin held court on the goodies table. (Posts about the pumpkin and jar of eyeballs are in the queue.)
The entirety of Keith's pumpkin posse. Tally is 2 knit, 1 paper, 3 real, and 24 edible pumpkins. Which do you expect to last the longest?

This fun pumpkin lives on the corner of our TV. (His dedicated post will come out before the end of the year.)
And finally, my house was covered in spider webs. The culprit? Well the ChemKnits knit spider, that's who! And the ChemKnits fly looks like it is going to become a treat for someone this Halloween!
Happy Halloween, from ChemKnits!