Aspirin Knitting Chart (20x20)

Methamphetamine Knitting Chart (13x22)

Acetaminophen Knitting Chart (13x23)
Molecules like Hydrocodone and Morphine cannot be drawn flat, so unfortunately I cannot provide you a chart at this time. Maybe I you could crochet out the extra cycle.... something to think about!
This this pattern was created by ChemKnits for your personal or charity use. This pattern is not to be replicated, sold or redistributed without permission from ChemKnits. © 2009 ChemKnits
(For other molecule knitting charts by ChemKnits checkout the 20 (natural) amino acids, generic pentapeptide chart, and Molecule Charts I: containing some amino acids, glucose, THC - tetrahydrocannabinol, and capsaicin.) © 2009 ChemKnits