- Grumpasaurus - This cute little dino would make your heart melt with his grumpy expression.
- LionBrand's 5.5 Hr Crochet Throw - The thought of finishing a blanket in a day excites me to no end. This pattern made me want to learn how to crochet. I still do not know how... I sense a New Year's resolution coming on... (Note: you will need to create a free account to view LionBrand's Patterns.)
- Conservative Sock Pattern - My father always liked patterned dress socks, and this pair is all colorwork. I actually feel as though I have the skills to attempt these now!
- Felted Fortune Cookies - Now you can get the fortune without having to eat the cookie!
- Honeycomb pillow pattern - A good stash-buster project and a way to recover those old pillows you have stashed in the closet.
- Soctopus - Knitty's showcased patterns are always fantastic. The whimsy of this socktopus is just darling.
- Plastic Bag Shopping Bag - A year ago I found this pattern, and cut all of the colored shopping bags in my house into strips to attempt this pattern. I broke one of my Boye Interchangeable Needle Set
needles in the process. I am still in love with this idea, and would like to attempt it again someday.
- Some Assembly Required - a Lego stuffed toy... that comes apart... like a lego! If only this pattern were free. Alas, I cannot bring myself to purchase a pattern for a novelty gift... but it is brilliant.
- Toddler Dinosaur Hat - My mom sewed one of these for me so I could be a dragon at age 4... a costume that my brother later used himself. This brings back great memories
- Dino Stuffies - The first move I ever saw in theaters (that I can remember) was Land Before Time, and it remained one of my favorite childhood movies. I was excited to find some dino stuffies! Triceratops, stegos, and brots....
- Knit felted pumpkin- As always with knitty patterns, this is absolutely stunning.
- Space Invader Charts - These would be cute in the stockings! Note: you may need a Ravelry account to view them.
- Homemade apple Pi - I am still giggeling by this pun!
- R2D2 beanie hat - This requires no further description
- Lobster and buoys - If you need to make a present for someone in Maine, then this would work well!
- Woolie the Ewe - A loop stitch makes the coat full and wooly.
- Mad Carrot - Put a grumpy face on any object and I will melt!
- Spring blooms - This pattern has some of the best step by step photo instructions I have ever seen on any internet published knitting pattern.
- Cookie Monster and Elmo - My dad used to be able to do the best grover impression when I was a kid.... I was the Count, myself.
- Sushi! - free download from Ravelry.
- Koala baby and a Hippo - I loved this authors little turtles, so I imagine that this will be a dream to knit up!
- Alien - Are you also a minority at your college campus?
- Babydoll Dress - This is beautiful, and looks like something that you should buy from an expensive boutique.
- Ruffly Baby Hat - this is a ruffly hat... i want my friends to start having baby girls!
- A GREAT pair of baby socks. Talk about interesting! i LOVE booties that have no seem, and these are WAY more interesting than just a garter stitch.
- Windmill Tote - Four sections are knit and assembled like a windmill. A fun play with color and function.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Patterns That Make Me Smile
Today is my birthday, and I've decided to make a list of knitting patterns that make me happy. They may be classic, or quirky, or really strange. Many of these are from my collection of saved patterns. Enjoy!