I have black for eyes, and I'm have some wool of the andes purple that could work for the snout, although I decided to try to make a rosy pink myself. What I needed the most was to find a brown that matches the fuzzy yarn that I found in a bin without a label.
I used 1T vinegar per 2 cups of water on the stovetop. I brought it to a light boil, and then added the dye.
Color #1:
Color#2: Same water as previous (very little color remaining), 1mL of each Black and Brown solution. I added the wool, and allowed it to simmer until the color became a deeper brown than the previous. The remaining dyebath had evidence of black dye.
Color #3: Same water that was left over from #2, plus 3 drops of red food coloring. I allowed the wool to simmer in the dyebath until it turned a deep rose color. (All color was not removed from the water, but I did not want the pink to become redder or brighter. I wanted a muted color.)
Wet these look like they'd go with the eyelash yarn that I selected for this project.