Two of my favorite dyeing experiments ever come from breaking Wilton's violet food coloring. The first video was dip dyeing a skein of yarn into the food coloring - I ended up with a stunning gradient from fuchsia to pale blue. The second video was breaking Wilton's violet over a braided chain of roving. What would happen if I combined the two techniques and dip dyed a crochet chain of roving into Wilton's violet food coloring?
The resulting braid is stunning, but there were a few problems with this experiment. The wet braided roving got HEAVY and started stretching which made it much harder to dip dye than a skein of yarn. Since I was moving the roving through hot water I was really concerned about felting. Thankfully I got lucky and the roving is perfect and ready to spin. I was also so concerned about making sure there wasn't too much blue coverage that I over-dipped early on and got too much pink coverage. Whoops!
Watch the video to see more about this dyeing experiment. Do you have any suggestions for other ways I can break food coloring colors on my yarn? I have so much fun with these experiments!