It has been a while since I've restocked the ChemKnits Creations Etsy store. There are DOZENS of new skeins of hand dyed yarn in the shop! Many of these yarns were dyed in videos that have already been published or featured on Instagram.
I think my favorite of the new yarns is the "Pumpkin Tree" inspired yarn. I dyed this yarn in a livestream on August 21 and it was so much fun. I don't often try to mix specific colors. Frequently, I let the colors, the dye, and the fiber "speak to me" and I'll change my plan based on how things are turning out. It was fun to try to look at a specific inspiration for a change. There are THREE skeins of this yarn in the Esty shop! Each were dyed in the same pot at the same time, but they are subtly different due to the technique.
Do you recognize any of the others new skeins from my restock announcement photo? Which one is your favorite?