I just added a TON of new inventory to the ChemKnits Creations Etsy Store! Each listing includes information about the yarn itself PLUS the title of the video where I dyed the yarn. If you check out the new items, you will get some sneak peeks to new content coming up on the channel. If you want to know more about the yarn, the video title usually gives a good hint about the technique.
Why should you buy ChemKnits dyed yarn if you now know exactly how to recreate the colorway? (I hope that I have inspired you to try dyeing yarn yourself!) When you buy yarn from the ChemKnits Creations store you are getting more than a beautiful skein of indie dyed yarn, you are supporting new ChemKnits content. Through the shop you get to support ChemKnits, watch the creation of beautiful yarn, and bring it home.
I have a lot of hand dyed hand spun that I haven't had a chance to use. I decided to add them to the shop in case anyone wanted to take them home. All of the roving dyeing videos are on the ChemKnits Tutorials YouTube channel, and there are spinning videos for two of them, too.
Join me tomorrow morning (7/3/18) for a fun LIVE dye-a-thon at 9:30 AM EST on YouTube! I am planning to dye at least six skeins of yarn in different mixtures of Wilton Icing Color. How am I going to pick the color combinations? Randomly! I've been wanting to add all of my icing colors to a bowl and pick two out at random for a long time. Once I've selected the colors, I'll pick the proportions (to avoid muddy colors) and then we'll dip dye to see how they break. Remember the stunning combination of Teal and Copper? I'm hoping that we accidentally discover some magic like that.
If you want to join in on the Mystery Surprise Yarn Fun, you can preorder a skein that will be dyed in the livestream. You get to pick the yarn base and the queue # for that skein of yarn and then watch LIVE as I dye it just for you. If you preorder before the livestream begins (9:30 AM EST 7/3/18) you can get 20% off the yarn! If there are still skeins available when the stream begins, you can purchase them for a 5% discount, but the yarn base will default to "Surprise Sock." We'll see how this all works out tomorrow, but I thought it would be a fun way to let people claim the yarn from a livestream without waiting for a future shop update.
Available Today in the ChemKnits Creations Shop! The dyeing video will come out later this summer. |
Now I need to get back to editing some videos! (I only put yarn in the shop once the video has been edited, uploaded and scheduled on the YouTube Channel.)