Tuesday, February 1, 2011

eReaders and Knitting

I love my Kindle, and I love the fact that it is so easy to bring places with me. The case that it is allows me to prop it up to read easily, but I have to admit that the case has no style. Earlier this month, I decided to do a search for iPad and Kindle cover knitting patterns, to see what could be done to spice up my Kindle's appearance. I think I found around a dozen free knitting patterns, but this is certainly a pattern genre that is open for a lot more design. (Hmm... I think I may have just added something to my design ideas list!) I wish that I knew how to crochet, because there are even fewer free crochet eReader case patterns currently available! I mean, at least you can purchase knit iPad cases!

This research got me thinking about the intersection between knitting and technology. Searching the Kindle Store for "knitting pattern" returned 401 results, and this number is growing. Since I find most of my knitting patterns online, having them easily available in a eReader will make it easier for me to bring patterns with me without printing them to paper. So I ask you, how do you think this movement away from paper books will change your knitting habits? I would love to hear your thoughts!

Speaking of iPads, I have to put in a shameless plug for iPad case in the Zazzle store with the ChemKnits bumble bee mosaic!