Saturday, April 20, 2013

More Hexipuffs!

It has been a while since I've made some hexipuffs, and I've received some generous and very purple RAK's.  I have not had the chance to knit with many of these yarns yet, but I hope to very soon.

I made a hexipuff from the yarn that I used in the first sweater I ever made (In high school - see middle puff below.)  The puff is a tad bit bigger than some of the others, but I think that this will be okay in the end.  I'm not too worried about it in any case.

I did not finish quite as many hexipuffs as I had hoped for this update.

SO I did a "measurement" and found that ~30 hexipuffs (5x6) makes 1 square foot of quilt.  A full mattress (double) is 54" x 75", or ~ 4.5' x 6.25'.  28.125 square feet, which means that I would need around 900+ hexipuffs.  At the rate I'm going, this should take me around 25 years.  Do you think I'll ever make it there?  (I only have 36 completed right now.)